1st Aha Moment - Attunement

What an interesting weekend in class. I felt the dualities in my body, going from awake to tired, excited to fatigued. I am in awe how quickly these two years have passed by. Our journey began together in 2016, and it is incredible to see the growth we are all experiencing individually and together.

The class conversations weaved between concepts such as dualism, and notions of what is real - not real; hard topics - soft topics; hot cognition - cold cognition. This was compared with Eastern notions such as Yin- Yang, and Wu Wei. When I left on Saturday afternoon, I was not sure if my 'mind was full', or if I was feeling 'mindful.' However, there is much work to do moving forward towards the final capstone. This capstone feels like a time capsule to me, as I reflect, rewrite and recreate what I have researched since the start of this program. I am interested in reading the book Stephen shared titled - Trying Not to Try. I wonder if I can just be, and trust in the flow for this last stretch?

To me, attunement is about creating an awareness of the connection between mind, body, spirit and emotions. When I am in tune, I feel harmony, flow and balance; when I am not in tune I can feel disconnected, ungrounded, and distracted. Part of my personal practice over these past two years has been to notice the ways in which I can attune to my needs in the present moment through self-care practices like yoga, somatics, dance, exercise, and healthy eating.

When I am in tune with my own positive energy, I am able to be in tune with others, thus creating healthy relationships. This attunement with others can become like a dance - growing, and flowing with rhythmicity through the dualisms of life. As I learn to dance to my own rhythm, I am beginning to step back from the dramatic places and attune to developing harmonious interconnections. It is with others that we can learn much about ourselves.

On a final note, I am excited to have a new BC business called Vitality Consulting. I want to work with a positive collective of change agents committed towards improving health and vitality with healing education.

Trust in the flow, this is how we grow. 


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