2nd Aha Moment - Dancing Feet

I love South Asian arts, culture, music and food! I also love the warmth and friendliness of its people. What I love about Indian dance is that there is so much expression in the face and body, eloquence in the eyes and hands. Throughout India there are many forms of dance, with my classical favourites including: Kathakali, Odessi and Katak. I have an appreciation for the technicalities that goes into each movement with passionate gestures in the feet, legs, torso, arms, fingers, eyes and lips. The dancers tells a story with each performance with rhythm, flow and grace.

I also love dancing, for me it a form of embodiment, stress release and connection to self and soul. I have practiced structured forms to learn techniques, what I enjoy most is free form dance where I am connected to the music, feeling the vibration and having fun. And Saturday's morning class was fun. We learned funky bhangra and bollywood dance moves, and our teacher Glen from Shiamak, taught us about how dance is a joyful way to feel ourselves and connect to one another. It was like being in a Bollywood film, where we were all superstars! I had lots of fun with my teachers and peers, and got a great sweaty workout. It was a nice gift to have active living brought in our classroom before our final capstone is due. It took away some of the stress that I have been feeling this week.  My new mantra is keep calm, and dance on.


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